ChistaDATA Cloud

ChistaDATA Cloud is a cloud offering from ChistaDATA Inc which provides ClickHouse OLAP data services to customers without any upfront investment in infrastructure. ChistaDATA Cloud allows users to provision databases quickly and easily on a hosted infrastructure.
Customers can subscribe to different plans or tiers on DBaaS and choose popular cloud infrastructure services like AWS, GCP or Azure to host their databases. Data replication, fail-over, and backup are part of the subscription.

How it works

Below diagram shows the high level architecture of DBaaS portal and the data plane infrastructure supported.

DBaaS Portal:- Consist of the UI component, API and Control Plane Data Plane: - The cloud infrastructure used for deploying ClickHouse database instances.

Architecture Architecture

Organization Overview

Organization Overview Organization Overview

Organization - Organization is a customer/client Workspace - A Logical grouping of database clusters Cluster - A cluster will be the reference to a ClickHouse installation.

Pre-requisites: Kubernetes cluster for deploying ClickHouse cluster.

If you want to try it, check our getting started.