DB Connection Ruby code
A modern Ruby database driver for ClickHouse. ClickHouse is a high-performance column-oriented database management.
gem install click_house
ClickHouse.config do |config|
config.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)
config.adapter = :net_http
config.database = 'metrics'
config.url = 'http://localhost:8123'
config.timeout = 60
config.open_timeout = 3
config.ssl_verify = false
# set to true to symbolize keys for SELECT and INSERT statements (type casting)
config.symbolize_keys = false
config.headers = {}
# or provide connection options separately
config.scheme = 'http'
config.host = 'localhost'
config.port = 'port'
# if you use HTTP basic Auth
config.username = 'user'
config.password = 'password'
# if you want to add settings to all queries
config.global_params = { mutations_sync: 1 }
# choose a ruby JSON parser (default one)
config.json_parser = ClickHouse::Middleware::ParseJson
# or Oj parser
config.json_parser = ClickHouse::Middleware::ParseJsonOj
# JSON.dump (default one)
config.json_serializer = ClickHouse::Serializer::JsonSerializer
# or Oj.dump
config.json_serializer = ClickHouse::Serializer::JsonOjSerializer
Alternative, you can assign configuration parameters via a hash
ClickHouse.config.assign(logger: Logger.new(STDOUT))
Now you are able to communicate with ClickHouse:
ClickHouse.connection.ping #=> true
You can easily build a new raw connection and override any configuration parameter (such as database name, connection address)
@connection = ClickHouse::Connection.new(ClickHouse::Config.new(logger: Rails.logger))
ClickHouse.connection.ping #=> true
ClickHouse.connection.replicas_status #=> true
ClickHouse.connection.databases #=> ["default", "system"]
ClickHouse.connection.create_database('metrics', if_not_exists: true, engine: nil, cluster: nil)
ClickHouse.connection.drop_database('metrics', if_exists: true, cluster: nil)
ClickHouse.connection.tables #=> ["visits"]
ClickHouse.connection.describe_table('visits') #=> [{"name"=>"id", "type"=>"FixedString(16)", "default_type"=>""}]
ClickHouse.connection.table_exists?('visits', temporary: nil) #=> true
ClickHouse.connection.drop_table('visits', if_exists: true, temporary: nil, cluster: nil)
ClickHouse.connection.create_table(*) # see <Create a table> section
ClickHouse.connection.truncate_table('name', if_exists: true, cluster: nil)
ClickHouse.connection.truncate_tables(['table_1', 'table_2'], if_exists: true, cluster: nil)
ClickHouse.connection.truncate_tables # will truncate all tables in database
ClickHouse.connection.rename_table('old_name', 'new_name', cluster: nil)
ClickHouse.connection.rename_table(%w[table_1 table_2], %w[new_1 new_2], cluster: nil)
ClickHouse.connection.alter_table('table', 'DROP COLUMN user_id', cluster: nil)
ClickHouse.connection.add_index('table', 'ix', 'has(b, a)', type: 'minmax', granularity: 2, cluster: nil)
ClickHouse.connection.drop_index('table', 'ix', cluster: nil)
ClickHouse.connection.select_all('SELECT * FROM visits')
ClickHouse.connection.select_one('SELECT * FROM visits LIMIT 1')
ClickHouse.connection.select_value('SELECT ip FROM visits LIMIT 1')
ClickHouse.connection.explain('SELECT * FROM visits CROSS JOIN visits')
Select All Select all type-casted result set
@result = ClickHouse.connection.select_all('SELECT * FROM visits')
# all enumerable methods are delegated like #each, #map, #select etc
# results of #to_a is TYPE CASTED
@result.to_a #=> [{"date"=>#<Date: 2000-01-01>, "id"=>1}]
# raw results (WITHOUT type casting)
# much faster if selecting a large amount of data
@result.data #=> [{"date"=>"2000-01-01", "id"=>1}, {"date"=>"2000-01-02", "id"=>2}]
# you can access raw data
@result.meta #=> [{"name"=>"date", "type"=>"Date"}, {"name"=>"id", "type"=>"UInt32"}]
@result.statistics #=> {"elapsed"=>0.0002271, "rows_read"=>2, "bytes_read"=>12}
@result.summary #=> ClickHouse::Response::Summary
@result.headers #=> {"x-clickhouse-query-id"=>"9bf5f604-31fc-4eff-a4b5-277f2c71d199"}
@result.types #=> [Hash<String|Symbol, ClickHouse::Ast::Statement>]
Select Value Select value returns exactly one type-casted value
ClickHouse.connection.select_value('SELECT COUNT(*) from visits') #=> 0
ClickHouse.connection.select_value("SELECT toDate('2019-01-01')") #=> #<Date: 2019-01-01>
ClickHouse.connection.select_value("SELECT toDateOrZero(NULL)") #=> nil
Select One Returns a record hash with the column names as keys and column values as values.
ClickHouse.connection.select_one('SELECT date, SUM(id) AS sum FROM visits GROUP BY date')
#=> {"date"=>#<Date: 2000-01-01>, "sum"=>1}
Execute Raw SQL By default, gem provides parser for JSON and CSV response formats. Type conversion available for the JSON.
# format not specified
response = ClickHouse.connection.execute <<~SQL
SELECT count(*) AS counter FROM rspec
response.body #=> "2\n"
response = ClickHouse.connection.execute <<~SQL
SELECT count(*) AS counter FROM rspec FORMAT JSON
response.body #=> {"meta"=>[{"name"=>"counter", "type"=>"UInt64"}], "data"=>[{"counter"=>"2"}], "rows"=>1, "statistics"=>{"elapsed"=>0.0002412, "rows_read"=>2, "bytes_read"=>4}}
response = ClickHouse.connection.execute <<~SQL
SELECT count(*) AS counter FROM rspec FORMAT CSV
response.body #=> [["2"]]
# You may use any format supported by ClickHouse
response = ClickHouse.connection.execute <<~SQL
SELECT count(*) AS counter FROM rspec FORMAT RowBinary
response.body #=> "\u0002\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000"
Insert When column names and values are transferred separately, data sends to the server using JSONCompactEachRow format by default.
ClickHouse.connection.insert('table', columns: %i[id name]) do |buffer|
buffer << [1, 'Mercury']
buffer << [2, 'Venus']
# or
ClickHouse.connection.insert('table', columns: %i[id name], values: [[1, 'Mercury'], [2, 'Venus']])
When rows are passed as an Array or a Hash, data sends to the server using JSONEachRow format by default.
ClickHouse.connection.insert('table', [{ name: 'Sun', id: 1 }, { name: 'Moon', id: 2 }])
# or
ClickHouse.connection.insert('table', { name: 'Sun', id: 1 })
# for ruby < 3.0 provide an extra argument
ClickHouse.connection.insert('table', { name: 'Sun', id: 1 }, {})
# or
ClickHouse.connection.insert('table') do |buffer|
buffer << { name: 'Sun', id: 1 }
buffer << { name: 'Moon', id: 2 }
Sometimes it’s needed to use other format than JSONEachRow For example if you want to send BigDecimal’s you could use JSONStringsEachRow format so string representation of BigDecimal will be parsed:
ClickHouse.connection.insert('table', { name: 'Sun', id: '1' }, format: 'JSONStringsEachRow')
# or
ClickHouse.connection.insert_rows('table', { name: 'Sun', id: '1' }, format: 'JSONStringsEachRow')
# or
ClickHouse.connection.insert_compact('table', columns: %w[name id], values: %w[Sun 1], format: 'JSONCompactStringsEachRow')
See the type casting section to insert the data in a proper way.
Create a table Create table using DSL
ClickHouse.connection.create_table('visits', if_not_exists: true, engine: 'MergeTree(date, (year, date), 8192)') do |t|
t.FixedString :id, 16
t.UInt16 :year, low_cardinality: true
t.Date :date
t.DateTime :time, 'UTC'
t.Decimal :money, 5, 4
t.String :event
t.UInt32 :user_id
t.IPv4 :ipv4
t.IPv6 :ipv6
Create nullable columns
ClickHouse.connection.create_table('visits', engine: 'TinyLog') do |t|
t.UInt16 :id, 16, nullable: true
Set column options
ClickHouse.connection.create_table('visits', engine: 'MergeTree(date, (year, date), 8192)') do |t|
t.UInt16 :year
t.Date :date
t.UInt16 :id, 16, default: 0, ttl: 'date + INTERVAL 1 DAY'
Define column with custom SQL
ClickHouse.connection.create_table('visits', engine: 'TinyLog') do |t|
t << "vendor Enum('microsoft' = 1, 'apple' = 2)"
t << "tags Array(String)"
Define nested structures
ClickHouse.connection.create_table('visits', engine: 'TinyLog') do |t|
t.UInt8 :id
t.Nested :json do |n|
n.UInt8 :cid
n.Date :created_at
n.Date :updated_at
Set table options
order: 'year',
ttl: 'date + INTERVAL 1 DAY',
sample: 'year',
settings: 'index_granularity=8192',
primary_key: 'year',
engine: 'MergeTree') do |t|
t.UInt16 :year
t.Date :date
Create table with raw SQL
ClickHouse.connection.execute <<~SQL
CREATE TABLE visits(int Nullable(Int8), date Nullable(Date)) ENGINE TinyLog
Alter table Alter table with DSL
ClickHouse.connection.add_column('table', 'column_name', :UInt64, default: nil, if_not_exists: nil, after: nil, cluster: nil)
ClickHouse.connection.drop_column('table', 'column_name', if_exists: nil, cluster: nil)
ClickHouse.connection.clear_column('table', 'column_name', partition: 'partition_name', if_exists: nil, cluster: nil)
ClickHouse.connection.modify_column('table', 'column_name', type: :UInt64, default: nil, if_exists: false, cluster: nil)
Alter table with SQL
# By SQL in argument
ClickHouse.connection.alter_table('table', 'DROP COLUMN user_id', cluster: nil)
# By SQL in a block
ClickHouse.connection.alter_table('table', cluster: nil) do
MOVE PART '20190301_14343_16206_438' TO VOLUME 'slow'
Type casting By default gem provides all necessary type casting, but you may overwrite or define your own logic. if you need to redefine all built-in types with your implementation, just clear the default type system:
ClickHouse.types # => {}
ClickHouse.types.default #=> #<ClickHouse::Type::UndefinedType>
Type casting works automatically when fetching data, when inserting data, you must serialize the types yourself
CREATE TABLE assets(visible Boolean, tags Array(Nullable(String))) ENGINE Memory
# cache table schema in a class variable
@schema = ClickHouse.connection.table_schema('assets')
# Json each row
ClickHouse.connection.insert('assets', @schema.serialize({'visible' => true, 'tags' => ['ruby']}))
# Json compact
ClickHouse.connection.insert('assets', columns: %w[visible tags]) do |buffer|
buffer << [
@schema.serialize_column("visible", true),
@schema.serialize_column("tags", ['ruby']),
Using with a connection pool
require 'connection_pool'
ClickHouse.connection = ConnectionPool.new(size: 2) do
ClickHouse::Connection.new(ClickHouse::Config.new(url: 'http://replica.example.com'))
ClickHouse.connection.with do |conn|